Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sitting on my Nest?

More photos from our trip to Monterrey. The first is a confused little Penguin. He is sitting on a next with a fake egg in it. The handlers said that they do this in order to get the Penguins ready in case any do end up mating. This Penguin and his mate take turns sitting on the nest

This photo is of Grammie & Hayden. He had such a good time looking at all the fishes and such.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

More swaps...

This is the last of my Clubbers swaps that we did several months ago. The one on the left was done by Ronda Jaramillo.

The second "birthday" card is by Cindy Colombo.

The last was created by Jeanann Birder.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hello there!

This is a card that I did for one of my club projects a few months back. I will start posting soon after the project has been completed along with materials....

This card was something that was pretty much cased from SplitCoast.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sea Otter at play!

More photos of our trip to Monterrey. This picture is of the very playful Sea Otter, this little guy was having so much fun chasing his tail. You can see Hayden's reflection in the glass, very neat.

The next photo is Hayden sitting in a viewing window looking into one of the big Sea tanks.

This last photo is of me and the kids. We are in a little cave that looks into the Sea Otter tank. Calyn was really freaked out about going in until Hayden & I got in and showed her it was no big deal!