Here are a couple more pictures from our Mexico Trip in January. We went on a day sail to Ylapa. It is a neat little town along the water, surrounded by mountains. The only way to get there is by boat. The town has these very narrow streets that twist and turn through it. They do not have cars, only Quads, horses and mules. It is a very neat little place. A lot of the travel places in PV offer day trips there.
One picture is of us on the street, overlooking the beach.
The other is of our sail back. On our sail back, which took about 2 1/2 hours, we saw Whales, Killer Whales and a pod of about 20 Dolphins. They cruised with the boat for a while and there were off to hunt fish. It was very cool. Hayden was too busy watching his movie in the cockpit to come and see the dolphins. I guess we need a few more years before he appreciates those "life" moments. How many people can say they got up close and personal to those kinds of things. The dolphins were literally feet away from me, as I was at the front of the boat and they are swimming along with it. Very cool.