Anyway, they went and low and behold, there are races in the 4/5 year category. I had no idea. S0, guess what Hayden came home wanting to do? Well, it was time for a new bike, his was so small and could not go any faster. His little legs would get going so fast, they would come off the petals because the bike could go no faster. So, Greg went the very next week and bought Hayden a very nice Redline bike, but not a race bike. We figured this would suffice.

Anyway, he got off to a really good start. He is second from the left in this picture. His little feet petal so fast, he is so into it. There are 3 heats per race. The riders are placed by their averaged finish. There were 7 riders in the race and Hayden finished 5th each time. We routed him on and he was happy to cross the finish line. I don't think he totally understands the concept of finishing the race in first place yet, which is a good thing.

The race coordinators give good sportsman trophies to each rider and then the 1st, 2nd, 3rd place riders get bigger trophies.
When the races were over, we went to pick up his good sportsman trophy, only to find out that he placed 1st in his age group. The race was for 4 and 5 year olds. The riders ahead of him in each race were all 5 year olds. He was the 1st 4 year old to finish each race. He was stoked to get the big trophy!
Grammy, Papa and Uncle Don came out to cheer him on. We will see if he is interested come next year.