These pictures were taken when she was having a little tummy time. I had actually just put her down for a moment. She immediately rolled over and then pulled her head up and was looking around. She sat so still for the pictures. Little hand over the other and smiling away. I got right down on the floor to get these, better to get at their level when taking photos of the kids.

What is she doing now? Here are her stats and accomplishments at 4 months:
Weight: 15lbs, 3oz
Height: 24"
Rolling over (started on 09/08)
Chattters up a storm
Can hold head up when on tummy
Likes tummy time
Smiles at everyone
Has just found she has feet and loves to eat them!
Loves to be held
Loves the Baby Bjorn
Thinks her big brother is funny
Wearing 3-6 month clothing
Hair is growing in, seems to have a slight reddish tint.
Going to bed between 8-9, waking around 1AM & 4AM
Thinks that 6AM is a good time to wake up.....NOT!
Noticing the dog
Starting to eat Rice cereal (10/13)
wow, already?!?!? i have a 6 year old, and i still can't believe it, lol!! hold on to it as much as you can!
Wow..that second shot is adorable...she is a sweetie! What a giggle!