This is us pretending to be scared!

Here is "Jack" from the movie. We got some really good pictures of him, because this is were our car stopped, but he kept repeating himself and we got tired of listening. Hayden kept telling him to be quiet!
This is Dick & Lisa, my in-laws. They were in front of us on the ride. About half way through the ride, it stopped, I think that someone on the ride was either leaning out of the car or trying to get out, because they kept saying to stay in your car.
Lots more Disney posts to come, I figured I would batch them, since I have so many pictures that I want to share. Enjoy the "ride"! :)-
It looks like you guys had fun! :-)
nice pictures! Funny 'coz i had the same picture taken in the same spot. As soon as I took a flash picture the ride stopped. These are automatic detectors. Per a friend who works there, the mechanics in these rides are light sensitive for safety pre-caution. In case of an emergency.. lights are turned on on the set and the ride stops.